Hello Ocean Ridge Homeowners,

A friendly reminder to all homeowners that Friday, May 24th is the last day that external work can be done on your property, until after Labor day (September 2nd).

Annual HOA Meeting: Saturday, May 25th, 2024, 10:30am, North cul-de-sac of Ocean Ridge Drive

Information packets for the meeting have been mailed to Homeowners. If you haven't recieved yours, please contact Greg Burnshaw at Wilgus, or a member of the Board.

*Entrance Gate Reminder:

Enter Your 4 digit code will still work with a '#' BEFORE your number. 

For example, if your personal code is 1234, you’ll need to enter #1234 to open the automobile gate.

*Pedestrian gate:
Use the new key fobs — The old white plastic cards won’t work anymore on the new system.

If you did get a key fob, or lost yours, or have issues with your code, p
lease contact Greg Burnshaw or Jodi Thompson of Wilgus Associates, our association property managers, at 302-539-7511 about picking up a fob.

The key cards to access OR West (pool & tennis courts) are unchanged.  If you need a new card, contact Jodi or Greg at Wilgus.

Lastly, If your trash or recycling pickup is missed on the scheduled date, please contact Jodi or Greg at Wilgus, within 24 hours of the missed service, if possible. He will then reach out to the Republic team and they will send someone. If they fail to pick up the trash or recycling, we will dock their invoice.

If you have any questions or do not find what you are searching for on this site, please reach out to Greg or Jodi at Wilgus Associates. You can click the "Contact Wilgus" link to the right to send them an email. Or you may also contact the Board.

Thank you,

Ocean Ridge HOA Board of Directors
Kathy Winfield - President 
Tom Obrecht - Treasurer
Mike Figiel - Secretary
Doug Gerstmyer - ARC
Bill Balderson - ARC
Tom Tattersall